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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Yacht Life


It is no surprise that I tend to enjoy the little luxuries that life has to offer. After recently viewing Scorsese's latest film The Wolf of Wall Street, I began to look into luxury boating. There is a specific scene in the film where Leonardo DiCaprio is enjoying lobster on his yacht as he is being questioned by the authorities that I found quite entertaining. Leo's character refers to the yacht as a boat fit for a Bond villain. I guess all he needed was a shark tank on the boat to complete the stereotype. I recently read that the same yacht in the film can be rented for $125,000 per week. A small price to pay for a name dropping and/or social media opportunity? The Wealth Channel offers a show called Wealth on the Water which allows viewers a VIP glance into the world of boating. One thing is for sure, living the yacht life is an expensive hobby! So far, I have taken an interest in a boat that I think fits my lifestyle. The Sea Ray Sundancer is a well known and well respected luxury sport yacht. The price tag on a Sea Ray can vary anywhere from fifty thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars.  The only issue that I have with owning a big toy like this is the amount of time I will actually get to enjoy it. With New York winters lasting longer than usual, I definitely want my quality time on the water. As I dig deeper into the specifics of boat ownership, I will be sure to choose my yacht club wisely. I do fancy a captain's hat in my near future... After all, one could only enjoy his champagne on land for so long! (Insert snooty laugh here)

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